Acupressure is an ancient system of treatment. The term acupressure is related to term ‘Acupuncture’. ‘Acu’ means needle and ‘pungere’ means to ‘pierce’ or ‘prick’. Aupuncture means an art of treating diseases by piercing fine needles at specific points on the body. Acupressure is a non-invasive means of treatment by applying pressure on specific points with the help of one’s thumb or unpointed objects. Our body is made of five elements namely Wood, Water, fire, Air and Space these five elements are been controlled by the electricity of the body known as “Chi” or “Ki” or Bio Electricity. These energies flow in our body via energy channels known as “Meridians”. As long as this flow is proper, our body remains healthy and disease free. Any obstruction in this flow may invite illness. Thus Acupressure is a science of Nature which treats illness by making the flow of current to all parts of the body.
Sujok is a Korean therapy developed by Late Prof Park Jae Woo, A Korean philosopher and a scientist. It is considered as a latest form of Acupressure therapy. "SuJok" is a combination of two words. In Korean 'Su' means hands and 'Jok' means feet. Thus, Su Jok actually means treating on hands and feet. According to this therapy, Our body closely resembles to our palms and soles. Hence ailments related to same can be treated by corresponding areas on the palms and soles. SuJok Acupuncture is a Physical & Metaphysical, Natural Therapy of healing without drugs.It is an instant and effective healing therapy without medication and is absolutely safe and does not have any side effects.
Reflexology is a non-medicinal form of treatment in which specific spots on the surface of the body, usually the palms or the soles with a view to suitably influencing the internal organs of the body; This form of treatment was prevalent in India almost 5000 years ago (according to Sushrut Samhita) . The nomadic Aryans and the Buddhist monks took this system of treatment with them to Sri Lanka and then to China and Japan, way back in the Sixteenth Century, there this system has flourished and is been officially practiced. Acupressure and reflexology both recognise the flow of energy through Zones and meridians, with the view to harmonise the flow of energy in our body.
Pranic Healing is a simple yet powerful & effective system of no-touch energy healing. It is based on the fundamental principles that the body is a self-repairing living entity that possesses the ability to heal itself and that the healing process is accelerated by increasing this life force that is readily available from the sun, air and ground to address physical & emotional imbalances. Master Choa Kok Sui says "Life Energy or prana is all around us. It is pervasive; we are actually in an ocean of Life Energy. Based on this principle, a healer can draw in Pranic Energy or Life Energy from the surroundings.". It requires no drugs, gadgets, not even physical contact with the subject as the healer is working on energy body.
Vibrionics is an alternative system of healing which works at healing the body so it can cure diseases by acting on the subtle body of the life form. Vibrations in the form of high-frequency electromagnetic waves are given in small sugar pills to balance the chakras and meridians. Vibrionics are drug-free and safe, have zero side effects and can help with any type of illness.
Magnets have been used for healing way 2500 years back, Atharva Veda has in it mention about magnets and its healing properties; The north and south pole of a magnet ha distinct healing properties. If correctly used, it can treat many disease conditions; It is effective, inexpensive and without side effects.
Homeopathy is a holistic way of treatment of a disease, with the aim of alleviating body’s own immune system to fight with a disease. The treatment is based on the principles of “like treats like”. Homeopathy is the second largest system of medicine practiced in the world. Over 200 million people use this worldwide; More than 100 million people depend solely on homeopathy for their health care. Homeopathic treatment is “individualised” and tailored to each person’s specific symptoms, history, body and needs. It’s common for a homeopathic doctor to talk in depth with a patient about their stress levels, relationships, personal characteristics, family and so on.
In naturopathy, health is a state of wellness in which a person is not only without disease but also mentally and physically balanced, energetic and vital. Naturopathy aims to achieve the best possible state of well-being, restore health where it has deteriorated, or slow down or prevent any further decline in health.